Andrew Arvin

Senior Quote
“When you come to a fork in the road… take it.”
Yogi Berra
About Andrew Arvin
I consistently strive to be a dedicated, hard-working student-athlete. I am a captain of the soccer team and helped coach when I got injured. For my junior and senior years, I’ve been a part of HIP and the Wellness Club. I earned high academic honors throughout high school and the University of Florida Book Award. I am a Posse semi-finalist and I’m in the National Honors Society. I’ve also played club soccer throughout elementary, middle, and high school.
This Cushman Senior
will be attending
Florida State University
SAM Project
I am focusing on teaching mindfulness and wellness. I have been teaching the 4th graders at Morningside Elementary different mindfulness techniques like meditation and stretching.
Best Cushman Memory
My best Cushman memory is when I first began playing CAD soccer with Coach Pedro and Coach Pablo in primary and elementary school, which developed my skills and passion for this sport.
“Andrew listens. He notices the details. Andrew is present. A true example of a calming force who puts mindfulness practices into play consistently and who makes everyone around him a better person. I can say this because I am a better person for knowing Andrew Arvin.”
Dr. Adriana Reynolds
Director of Personalization grades 6-12