Colin O’Mahony

Senior Quote
“Don’t ever underestimate the heart of a champion.”
Rudy Tomjanovich
About Colin O'Mahony
I am a three-time tennis MVP and competitor that also teaches the sport I love to young kids. I am a sports fanatic of almost all sports and a huge fan of Miami’s teams. I am also a walking sports encyclopedia.
This Cushman Senior
will be attending
Arizona State University
SAM Project
My SAM project is to help children with autism get involved with sports. Not only do I love sports and enjoy sharing this passion, but I chose this project because I have a brother with autism, and I believe in the benefits of playing sports even for individuals dealing with challenges.
Best Cushman Memory
My best memory at Cushman is being a part of the tennis team.
“Colin is a one of kind guy with a unique sense of humor. He will probably be heard saying something like this to his college professors: “Only fools rush in, that’s why I take my time with assignments.”
Andrea Poulos
High School Guidance Counselor