Javier Arroyo

Senior Quote
“Nothing starts until you take action”- Sonic the Hedgehog
Gary Paulsen
About Javier Arroyo
I am imaginative and artistic with a passion for movies and television. I always strive to be a hardworking and dedicated student who delivers my work on time and earns good grades. I also enjoy playing tennis, eating pizza, and spending time together with my family and friends.
This Cushman Senior
will be attending
Lynn University
SAM Project
My SAM project is to help people who’ve lost their homes and/or jobs find new job opportunities and reintegrate themselves into society. for the project, I will be collaborating with the organization Dress for Success, which focuses on helping people find new jobs and prepare for job interviews.
Best Cushman Memory
My best memory at Cushman thus far has got to be the Senior Retreat at the Dude Ranch.
“Javi is one of a kind with the determination and the passion to succeed at whatever comes his way. No matter the difficulty, Javi will rise to occasion and seek out whatever assistance he may need. Javi has been a joy to have these past 4 years and I know my classes won’t be the same without him (I just may have some extra chocolate laying around).”
Jennifer Yost
High School Math Teacher