Valentina Carvallo Rogondino

Senior Quote
“Lo importante no es quien baila mejor, sino quien goza mas.”
Eddie Torres
About Valentina Carvallo Rogondino
I spend most of my time doing what I love most at my dance studio, expressing myself through this beautiful art form. However, when I am not there, you will probably find me spending quality time with my family or at the beach with my friends. At Cushman, I have made an unforgettable group of friends with whom I share my most valued memories, and I am eternally grateful for that.
This Cushman Senior
will be attending
Nova Southeastern University
SAM Project
I work closely with Joshua’s Heart Foundation as Secretary/Media manager of the Junior Advisory Board. We work to stomp out hunger in our community by hosting multiple food drives and distributing the food.
Best Cushman Memory
My favorite memory at Cushman has been going on the school trips with my classmates, specifically Puerto Rico.
“Valentina is a lover of life and a true Renaissance woman. Her energy lights up the room and her willingness to work hard means she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. There is art in everything she does!”
Maggie de la Peña
High School English Teacher